2016 AMIB Christmas Dinner
Saturday, November 26 at the Ag Hall
Saturday, November 26 at the Ag Hall
November 26, 2016 AMIB Christmas Party
A full house of 76 AMIB members gathered at the Ag Hall for our annual Christmas Turkey Dinner. President Allen Slade greeted guests and talked about upcoming events including winter film evenings (about boating of course). Allen also thanked Carl and Sharon Bunnin for their service to AMIB.
A full house of 76 AMIB members gathered at the Ag Hall for our annual Christmas Turkey Dinner. President Allen Slade greeted guests and talked about upcoming events including winter film evenings (about boating of course). Allen also thanked Carl and Sharon Bunnin for their service to AMIB.
Allen Slade and Sharon Bunnin shared the MC duties. Thanks to the Executive for preparing the appetizers. During the Happy Hour we were treated to a slide show created by Bryan Westby which showed the September Wooden Boat Festival at Port Townsend. Dinner was catered by Sue Duncan and her crew of helpers.
Just before dessert, Cliff challenged everyone with another Nautical Trivia Game. One of the toughest questions was, "Ancraophobia is the fear of what...?"
After dessert Anita Colley and Judy Kiyooka held our prize draws. See photos of winners below.
The evening finished off with another excellent musical slide show prepared by Bryan with boating slides contributed by AMIB members. Bryan also included photos and videos from AMIB's past year in the areas of social, education (thanks, Blair Smith) and docks and ramps.
Thanks to everyone for attending. The prize for the best nautical costume went to Aaron Reith with honourable mentions to Mike and Meadow Dove (pirates), and to Louis Vallee (who dressed up as a clownfish!)
Thanks also go to --
Doug Johnston for being the bartender.
All Bay Marine in Sidney for contributing a beautiful cruising book on the Inside Passage as a door prize.
Sharon Bunnin for heading the social committee and to everyone who helped setup, decorate, and clean up.
Just before dessert, Cliff challenged everyone with another Nautical Trivia Game. One of the toughest questions was, "Ancraophobia is the fear of what...?"
After dessert Anita Colley and Judy Kiyooka held our prize draws. See photos of winners below.
The evening finished off with another excellent musical slide show prepared by Bryan with boating slides contributed by AMIB members. Bryan also included photos and videos from AMIB's past year in the areas of social, education (thanks, Blair Smith) and docks and ramps.
Thanks to everyone for attending. The prize for the best nautical costume went to Aaron Reith with honourable mentions to Mike and Meadow Dove (pirates), and to Louis Vallee (who dressed up as a clownfish!)
Thanks also go to --
Doug Johnston for being the bartender.
All Bay Marine in Sidney for contributing a beautiful cruising book on the Inside Passage as a door prize.
Sharon Bunnin for heading the social committee and to everyone who helped setup, decorate, and clean up.
Photos below are thumbnails. Click on an image for full-size and slide show controls.
Photos by Allen Slade
Photos by Cliff Kiyooka. Click on thumbnails for full-size.