2016 AMIB Spring Picnic at Dinner Bay Park

Seventy AMIB members came out on a sunny Saturday, June 4th for AMIB's annual Spring Picnic at Dinner Bay Park.
The event started off with a "boot sale" where members sold their items from their vehicles.
Lunch was burgers and all fixings courtesy of AMIB. Beef patties were purchased from Tru-Value Grocery. Salads were brought by AMIB members, and dessert was a delicious slab cake purchased from Sunny Mayne Bakery.The picnic started off with our second "maybe annual" Boot Sale, where members sold boating items from their vehicle. Sale items included pulleys, lines, books, anchors, and even several dinghies.
During lunch Bryan Westby's musical boating slide show was played in the background. Our AMIB Pres. Carl Bunnin welcomed everyone and gave an update on the docks. He noted that the next community meeting on the Anson Rd rezoning would be this June 27th. The grand door prize winner was Peggy Robertson and the 50-50 winner was Judy Kiyooka. Keeping things moving along as MC was our Social Committee's Sharon Bunnin. |
The knot tying contest was a timed affair. Contestants had to tie a bowline, clove hitch, round turn and 2 half hitches, figure eight knot, and a cleat knot. Congratulations to Jean-Guy, Elise, and Chris for their speedy knot tying!
Thank you to everyone who helped plan, setup, and clean up. Thanks also to the Mayne Island Lions Club for the use of their tables, chairs, BBQ, and sound equipment. Finally, thanks to the Mayne Island Parks & Rec for the use of the Adachi Pavilion.
Photos below by Sharon Bunnin. Click on photos to enlarge then use slide control arrow on side of photo.
Photos below by Elspeth Westby