AMIB helps look after Mayne Island boat ramps.
Potato Point Work Bee - May 2016
May, 2016 - A work crew led by AMIB repaired the bottom 4 feet of the Curlew View ramp. The entire ramp was originally constructed by another AMIB led crew 10 years ago! See the old photos below.
10 Years Ago 2006 - Potato Point Launch Project - AMIB
photos courtesy of Bryan Westby
When you go to Potato Point or David Cove or Village Bay launches you will also see photos mounted on posts that show each site at low and high tide. Making these photos was a 2015 AMIB project headed by Bryan Westby.
photos courtesy of Bryan Westby
When you go to Potato Point or David Cove or Village Bay launches you will also see photos mounted on posts that show each site at low and high tide. Making these photos was a 2015 AMIB project headed by Bryan Westby.